Hosting resellers act as intermediaries between a larger hosting company and consumers. The reseller purchases hosting services from the larger provider and repackages them to resell to its own... read more »
Caching is like having your groceries pre-ordered based on your transaction history. Instead of roaming different aisles to find your items, the store pre-stocks your commonly purchased goods for... read more »
The average desktop webpage loading speed is 2.5 seconds, and visitors usually spend less than 15 seconds on your website. Capturing their attention in double-quick time is of the essence. This... read more »
WordPress is a CMS (content management system) software with features for building blogs and other types of websites. The free and open-source software is a powerful backend and frontend... read more »
Website owners need an administrative dashboard to access files and hosting settings. That’s where cPanel comes in. The cPanel dashboard is a browser-based control panel that improves the user... read more »
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is a digital certificate that performs two distinct roles for a website: authentication and encryption. It verifies a website’s identity when you visit it... read more »
A load balancer is a type of server-based technology that distributes incoming internet traffic across multiple servers to make sure no single server gets overwhelmed. You’ve probably experienced... read more »
NVMe, or non-volatile memory express, is a storage protocol for accessing media items, files, and documents in storage units like SSDs (solid-state drives). The NVMe protocol works on computers... read more »
Dedicated server hosting is when an entire server is devoted solely to your website or application. This type of hosting gives you complete control over the server. You can choose your preferred... read more »
Uptime is the amount of time a website is up and running without interruptions. Web hosting companies measure uptime as a percentage of the total possible time a website can be online. The... read more »