I used to have an issue just about every other time I tried to log into a website or application. Sometimes I’d forget my password. Other times I failed to save the right version of the password... read more »
Some apps feel like they just get you. Like, how the heck does Netflix recommend exactly what you want to watch next? What else does it know about you? Are your intrusive thoughts even safe?... read more »
When I started my small business, I didn’t have a physical office. I was concerned about revealing my home address to my clients. So just to be safe, I signed up for a mail forwarding service... read more »
Whenever I use a public cloud provider, I’m reminded of a frozen yogurt shop. I pick up a cup, and fill it with all the flavors and toppings I want, while also only paying for the amount of food... read more »
If you’re anything like me, you watched a lot of TV as a kid. To me, TV programming was unmatched in the early aughts, and one of my favorite shows from that decade was Hannah Montana. It... read more »
Did you know that the subject of today’s post is multiple award-winning software? With so many accolades and almost universal praise from website administrators, it’s fair to say that we’re... read more »
The first time I developed a website, I published it on the internet under a domain name, even when I was still adding pages and editing content. It wasn’t a huge deal back then, considering my... read more »
Let me take you back to 1995. Brendan Eich had just launched JavaScript. It was cool, but not cool enough to hang out with the big kids like Java, C++, and Python. Why? Unlike other kids on the... read more »
When I was young, I couldn’t understand why cars had a reverse gear. “Why not just turn around and go the opposite direction?” I wondered. No one had told me what the drive (forward) gear did. I... read more »
I enjoy collecting vintage sneakers and have a collection of about 14 to 15 pairs. I’ve made it a personal mission to purchase at least three new pairs a year. If you share my love for sneakers... read more »