You searched for: "ecommerce"

17 Cool Website Load Time and Speed Statistics (2024)

17 Cool Website Load Time and Speed Statistics (2024)


Believe it or not, in the early years of the internet, websites took between one and five minutes to load1. That’s extremely slow when compared to the average site load speed today. For... read more »
7 AWS Hosting Cost-Based Alternatives (Feb. 2024)

7 AWS Hosting Cost-Based Alternatives (Feb. 2024)


Estimating your cloud hosting costs is daunting. With the pay-as-you-go pricing model, it’s difficult to anticipate what your monthly bill will come out to, which leaves many project managers... read more »
11 Best Free MySQL Hosting Providers (2024)

11 Best Free MySQL Hosting Providers (2024)


Working with MySQL databases can be fun, but not when you’re constantly worried about costs. It’s like storing your precious belongings in a rented storage space, but you’re unsure whether you... read more »
13 Best: Web Hosts With Free WordPress Install (Feb. 2024)

13 Best: Web Hosts With Free WordPress Install (Feb. 2024)


WordPress controls a whopping 63% of the global CMS market share. And that’s no surprise, given its versatility and customizability. Creators can make online stores, blogs, and business websites... read more »
5 Steps: How to Host a Website on cPanel (Feb. 2024)

5 Steps: How to Host a Website on cPanel (Feb. 2024)


A single-domain website with a cPanel hosting plan allows anyone to publish a blog, wiki, or eCommerce store for the price of a cup of coffee every month. Web developers depend on cPanel, and... read more »
7 Cheapest Cloud Hosting Costs and Plans (2024)

7 Cheapest Cloud Hosting Costs and Plans (2024)


If you’re not using cloud hosting, you’re missing out — more than 94% of companies are using cloud computing. Although cloud hosting costs are usually higher than those for traditional bare-metal... read more »
A2 Hosting Free Trial (Feb. 2024) — Try A2 Risk-Free 

A2 Hosting Free Trial (Feb. 2024) — Try A2 Risk-Free 


In today’s fast-paced world, where almost every facet of our lives is interwoven with the internet, the search for optimal hosting can be quite a journey. For many, it begins with the intriguing... read more »
13 Cheapest Small Business Web Hosting (Feb. 2024)

13 Cheapest Small Business Web Hosting (Feb. 2024)


Gone are the days when a website was a luxury few could afford. In this age of technology, almost every business you can think of needs a website. The business doesn’t even have to sell its... read more »
5 Best: Website Builder Free Trials (Feb. 2024)

5 Best: Website Builder Free Trials (Feb. 2024)


We’ve come a long way in the world of website building. Take a look at the first-ever website, launched on August 6, 1991, for perspective. If you’re seeing it for the first time, you’ll think... read more »
Bluehost Free Trial (Feb. 2024)  — Try it 100% Free

Bluehost Free Trial (Feb. 2024)  — Try it 100% Free


Like many people, I often get online subscriptions wrong by jumping to the first provider I see. It’s not until after I’ve signed up for a subpar service that I come across something better.... read more »