TL; DR: The cybersecurity landscape is constantly shifting with new threats and emerging technologies such as AI. Keeping up and knowing what steps to take in their security journey can be difficult for companies. Thrive helps businesses across industries find the right infrastructure and cybersecurity solutions to modernize their systems and stay secure. Its solutions are affordable, powerful, and customizable to fit any business environment. The team also partners with clients to ensure all their needs are met. We spoke with Rob Stephenson, CEO of Thrive, about the platform and its unique benefits.
Cyberattacks are a dangerous game that can deal a fatal blow. Businesses without proper cybersecurity infrastructure risk losing everything. In fact, according to Terranova Security, 60% of small businesses go under after being victims of a cyberattack.
A prominent opponent in the war against bad actors is aging hardware. Outdated technologies and systems are typically more susceptible to risk and data breaches than newer ones because they are harder to protect. Older systems also don’t position businesses to be successful or agile in an ever-increasing digital world.
“Relying on outdated technologies not only hampers productivity gains and innovation but can also expose organizations to increased risk of cyberattacks and data breaches. It is essential to have modern, digital infrastructure to decrease risk and improve security posture,” said Rob Stephenson, CEO of Thrive.
Thrive is an IT infrastructure platform that harnesses everything from cybersecurity to cloud computing and managed services to help businesses modernize their tech solutions. Its Thrive5 Methodology allows customers to identify and mitigate gaps in their environments with its tools and other offerings.
“This approach provides customers with a unique strategy to optimize and protect their business data and applications while ensuring access to the latest cloud and on-prem technologies, advanced cybersecurity best practices, advanced networking solutions, and compliance and governance assistance,” said Rob.
A Modern IT Solutions Platform for Everyone
Thrive helps businesses from all backgrounds overcome barriers to modernizing their infrastructure solutions. Rob told us the top three challenges businesses face when optimizing infrastructure are budget, impact on employee productivity, and vendor guesswork. Thrive can overcome all three of these hurdles.
“Thrive’s mission is to provide a robust technology platform with great service at a manageable cost, so the mid-market and SMBs don’t have to overpay or be underserved to have world-class IT infrastructure,” said Rob.
Thrive makes infrastructure optimization affordable, so companies from any vertical can leverage new technologies. It also helps teams onboard these technologies with little downtime or impact on employee productivity.
“Our clients’ IT leaders often do not want to modernize their infrastructure because it may be a distraction or a productivity-impacting event. Thrive works very closely with our customers’ IT teams to develop maintenance windows on nights, weekends, holidays, etc., where this concern is negated,” said Rob.
The Thrive team also assists customers along their vendor journey. Customers have many vendor options and don’t always know which one best fits their needs or environment. Thrive offers two or more vendor products in each category to cater to user needs and provide different price points to help meet every budget.
“Thrive’s Professional Product and Engineering teams take the guesswork out of this process by performing all the due diligence work and selecting industry-leading vendors and emerging state-of-the-art products to provide meaningful innovation and benefits to our customers’ businesses,” said Rob.
Partnering With Customers to Create Dedicated Environments
Rob told us that most companies are missing critical tools to enable them to understand the current state of their environment on a real-time basis. To solve this, Thrive employs its Thrive5 Methodology. This approach provides companies with the solutions to mitigate risks in exposed systems and ensure they are equipped to defend against attacks.
“When we start working with a client, we look at their existing solutions and compare them against IT best practices to identify gaps that can be eliminated to mitigate risk and deliver greater efficiency for the business,” said Rob.
The Thrive team works closely with its customers to provide solutions tailored to their businesses and build dedicated environments. “Thrive’s team of industry experts work with organizations to not just secure their tech stack, but also to continuously train their employees and in-house IT professionals on how to prevent cybersecurity attacks and be a collaborative partner for the organization,” said Rob.
Thrive has clients across various industry verticals, including financial, education, and healthcare, so it is well-equipped to respond to all kinds of needs and handle different types of mission-critical systems. Its security experts also stay agile by following emerging trends and best practices, with 900+ technical certifications within the organization.
The Thrive team is also a hybrid cloud advocate. It recommends that users host their applications in a cloud environment that will best fit their budget and application performance goals. Rob said some applications perform better in multi-tenant private cloud environments, some in dedicated private cloud, and others in Azure, AWS, or Google.
“The vast majority of our clients have a multitude of SaaS, Public, and Private Cloud applications. They need these applications to perform effectively, remain secure, be available 24x7x365, and at the most optimal pricing levels,” said Rob. And the cloud can help them do so with efficiency.
Cybersecurity Tools to Protect Business Systems
In the age of AI and digital transformation, companies need secure digital infrastructure more than ever. Thankfully, Thrive is here to help. Thrive has a comprehensive list of premier cybersecurity tools, including automated penetration testing, managed detection and response, managed NextGen firewall and UTM, and end-user and workstation security.
“A comprehensive security program from a provider like Thrive that covers everything from end users and LAN/WANs and cloud infrastructure to SaaS-based applications will provide the greatest results. If customers do not have their own CISO, utilizing our vCISO service will enable them to build their own cybersecurity, risk, and compliance program,” said Rob.
Thrive recently added another cybersecurity solution to its suite. Its newest product, Incident Response & Remediation, provides on-demand security response services to contain and remove threats and engineering assistance to rebuild and restore critical systems. It will help accelerate recovery time to minimize the costs associated with business disruptions.
“Thrive Incident Response & Remediation requires an Incident Response Retainer that ensures Thrive and the client are prepared prior to an incident. The retainer entitles the client to a dedicated Incident Responder from the Thrive Security Operations Center in the event of a security incident,” said Rob.
Through its incident response service, Thrive will collaborate with clients on pre-incident planning, pre-deploy the Thrive incident response agent on client systems, and proactively run an automated compromise assessment to hunt for threats in the environment. This latest tool summarizes Thrive’s value in a nutshell: doing whatever it takes to keep companies prepared and secured in the face of an ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.