Inflectra Helps Enterprises Balance Quality and Agility When Building Mission-Critical Software

Written by: Lynn Cadet

Lynn Cadet

Lynn is a Staff Writer at HostingAdvice with a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida. Lynn has years of experience in technical writing and blogging for sites, including Wooboard Technologies and The Lifestyle Collective. She loves to follow emerging trends in the tech sector and aims to keep her audience informed of the latest developments in software, hosting, and IT infrastructure. Lynn is adept at relaying key insights from leaders in the industry and making technologically complex topics accessible to her readers.

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Edited by: Lillian Castro

Lillian Castro

Lillian brings more than 30 years of editing and journalism experience to our team. She has written and edited for major news organizations, including The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the New York Times, and she previously served as an adjunct instructor at the University of Florida. Today, she edits HostingAdvice content for clarity, accuracy, and reader engagement.

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TL; DR: Inflectra provides software solutions to help companies navigate risk and quality while building agile application software. Its products allow gangs to see into their development process, track workflows across departments, and stay ahead of the curve with confidence. Companies can use its data insight to deliver software faster with lower risk. We spoke with Adam Sandman, CEO of Inflectra, about the platform and its core benefits.

In today’s tech world, companies have to adapt to survive. Keeping your head above water required much less effort a couple of decades ago. Most companies only had to excel at what they did and look out for a few subtle changes in the market to remain ahead of competitors. But now, businesses have to move according to increasingly dramatic turns in trends or risk being left behind.

The phrase “times are changing” holds more weight with every passing year. Two years ago, AI was only a future ideal for most people. Now it has gone mainstream, reaching everything from social media to sports. Tech is moving much faster than it ever has, thanks to significant advancements in resources and research. And AI is only one example.

But staying ahead of the curve is easier said than done and often requires taking risks. But what if you could have guidance? Like a magic eight ball telling you everything that needs to be done. Inflectra may not be a magic eight ball. It’s actually much better, giving users in-depth assistance.

Inflectra provides solutions to help companies deliver software with greater agility.

“Our platform offers a trusted way to maintain or increase agility and do it in a safe and secure way from a quality standpoint, so companies are not at risk by trying to be more agile, and thus giving the best of both worlds,” said Adam Sandman, CEO of Inflectra.

Inflectra helps companies deliver quality software faster with lower risk. Its main product Spira allows users to track and collaborate throughout the entire software development life cycle. Inflectra accommodates everyone, from project managers to dev teams.

Mastering the Balancing Act

A frequent barrier to maintaining agility is risk. Companies don’t have the luxury to make mistakes in strategy when developing new software. Even if they did, taking a massive loss isn’t ideal. This is why many businesses wrestle with innovation.

“Agility allows you to evolve your products and make decisions where you can stay ahead of the market. But what we find is customers that want agility often worry or struggle with how to balance their choices with risk and quality,” said Adam.

Inflectra helps companies eliminate the obstacles that come with agility by providing quality assurance and risk management throughout the software-building process. It serves as a stable foundation for businesses to innovate in a safe and secure environment. And Inflectra starts with accommodating agile teams.

A screenshot of SpiraTeam webpage
SpiraTeam allows teams to organize workflows and see into their product lifecycles.

“An agile team is one integrated set of people working together to deliver software, from idea to production, in minutes rather than months. The challenge is you’ve got all these people with different disciplines trying to collaborate, communicate, and build a quality product,” said Adam.

Missteps can easily occur between various task leaders without proper communication. Inflectra helps improve and streamline communication with its Spira platform. Users can manage tasks, sync them with their teams, and keep developing. Inflectra also allows companies to customize its platform to fit their needs, enabling them to find just the right balance.

“Businesses want a platform that can offer all the teams something. It can have a broader range of features and functionality but brings teams together. So each team can use it the way they need without sacrificing functionality, but still have one integrated platform,” said Adam.

Inflectra Allows Users to Track Every Step

Obtaining step-by-step observability without micromanagement can be an arduous task. Thankfully, Inflectra has a solution to overcome micromanagement woes and find the observability you need. Its traceability feature allows teams to track every step of their development life cycle for the sake of not only quality but also security.

“You’ve seen so many bad stories where hackers get into software. People need to be able to understand the flow of information that goes into production,” said Adam.

Traceability is imperative when finding vulnerabilities and improving development pipelines. It allows users to better understand their workflows and what goes into them. “Traceability is going through written code, reviews, testing, etc. So when a project is pushed to production in a DevOps pipeline, what comes out the other end matches what we’re in at the beginning,” said Adam.

Inflectra offers insights to prove a team did its required duties as promised. It gives companies a macro view of everything without tedious tracking, so users can save time and push forward with development. Businesses can also use this tool to consolidate visibility across departments.

“We give companies a single source of truth or glass to look to. Project managers and CEOs need to understand what’s going on. So having a macro view of what needs to integrate without micromanaging down to individual lines of code is the agile way of doing things,” said Adam.

Providing users with observability allows them to make the right decisions to remain resilient and agile. Inflectra fills the gaps for companies so they can stay on track and release software that will succeed in production.

Quality Data Insights for Better Software Delivery

Inflectra gives valuable insights to help companies deliver quality, innovative products with less risk. Adam told us the three pillars of innovation are traceability, risk management, and AI, with AI being the most in demand. As the team works on its road map, it seeks to improve these features within the platform.

“​​We’re looking at the data we have in our system and using that to get better insights. We’re using traditional analytics and AI to get these insights and making our customers more adaptive and agile using that data to tell them things before they happen,” said Adam.

Inflectra is leveraging the information hub within its platform to give users predictive analytics. This feature will help shoulder the burdens of determining risks for project managers and teams. Since the platform already has the data, it can instead alert users of issues and risks ahead of time.

“The system knows what a scrum methodology looks like. It knows the best practices. Why doesn’t it suggest what I should be worried about? We can encode that into the system. That’s a big area where AI, data, and many other things converge. And that’s a big focus for us,” said Adam.


Lynn Cadet is a Staff Writer at HostingAdvice with a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida and years of experience in technical writing. She loves to follow emerging trends in the tech sector and aims to keep her audience informed of the latest developments in software, hosting, and IT infrastructure. Lynn is adept at relaying key insights from leaders in the industry and making technologically complex topics accessible to her readers.

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